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Complement your French formation with these interesting and useful French media groups, associations, cultural, and business sources.

Alliance Française

Alliance française Paris Ile-de-France

Federation of Alliances Françaises USA

There are 12 Alliances Françaises in California. If you happen to be travelling and want to check out a local chapter and their cultural activities, or if your family moves to one of these regions, here are links to their website. For other states, click on the Federation Website and look for the state you need.

AF of Monterey
AF of Napa Valley
AF de la Rivera Californienne
AF de Sacramento
AF of Santa Rosa


The Gourmet Corner


French-English Translation (Collins)
Dictionnaire d’argot 
Dictionnaire québécois-français  
Le Grand Dictionnaire terminologique 
Lexique des termes littéraires

Education and Cultural

Le Petit Guide 
Cultural explorations

Learning Activities

Learn French with BBC
Les Jeux de Lettres avec TV5
Bonjour de France 

Medical Guides

Medicare informational guide for senior immigrants

Le Français Facile avec rfi

Bay Area

The French Fair (annual event)

Comité Officiel organizes and sponsors the celebration of the French National day: Bastille Day,on July 14th. It also helps the other French organizations in the Bay Area and participates in local events. Its mission is to maintain and enhance the relationships between France and the “City by the Bay”.

French American Chamber of Commerce
Engage and foster the French-American business community. Support companies in their settlement and development in the Bay Area, from Napa Valley to Silicon Valley.
Union des Francais a l’Etranger (UFE)


France Guide
Le Petit Futé
Le Guide du Routard
Everything about Paris
Practical info on France
The French railway system (SNCF)
Hotels, car rental 
The weather forecast 
French courses in France 
Le Musée d’Orsay

Official Governmental Websites

The President of the French Republic
The Prime Minister and Government site 
The Ministry of Culture 
The Ministry of Education (EDUTEL)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

L’Ambassade de France
French Consulat of San Francisco
French Consulat of Los Angeles

Study in France

France Study Guide for International Students

Grammar and orthography 

Tex’s French Grammar  
La Grammaire Interactive  
Orthonet Litterature

Réseau Main dans la Main

Réseau Main dans la Main (RMDM) offre une écoute et une aide personnalisée et ponctuelle à toute personne rencontrant des difficultés d’ordre psychologique, médicale, sociale, éducative, administrative, économique/matérielle. Nous proposons également d’aborder les problématiques spécifiques aux personnes âgées.

(650) 720-7636
RMDM Website ​

Newspapers and TV

Les Journaux / Newspapers

French Morning
France Amerique
Le Figaro
Le Monde
Paris Match
Nice Matin
Le Monde Diplomatique
L’Agence France Presse
Le Média-Port

TV Channels

TV5 is the leading French language channel broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without commercial interruptions.
Canal Plus (Fee)
BFM TV (Buisness News)


Les Guignols sur Canal Plus

French Language

Bay Area Schools

French-American School of Silicon Valley (FASSV)
Silicon Valley International School (INTL)

French e-library

Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BNF)

Ici la voix du Burkina Faso

Join Bernadette Theisen, a member of the Board of the AFSCV, as she regularly visits and documents the life in total immersion in a small village at Burkina Faso.

2 Centers in your area

French classes, library & office in Los Gatos - View map

Office hours:
Tuesdays 2-6pm
Thursdays 10am-2pm

Saturdays 10am-12pm

French classes near you in Palo Alto  - View map

Get in touch

Alliance Française Silicon Valley



14107 Winchester Blvd. Suite T,
       Los Gatos, CA 95032

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